here's my week:
monday (26/9): another public holiday, i chilled after a big week a bit but also did some propsal writing aswell as updating this blog.
tuesday (27/9): did workshop inductions where i met the lovely staff running the facilities and had a overview of said facilites as i'm new to grays. the west workshop reminds me of the workshops back in high school but also bought back slight trauma lol. beside that more storyboarding/development sketches.
wednesday (28/9): attended a lectures for a module that is neither mandatory or assessed but was encouraged to attend it went over reflective writing/CV stuff that i already done a while ago but still had some decent points here/there. i multitasked doing some character design work alongside the lecture. i've managed got my the characters sorted for the short. i actually started some work on decorating my studio but besides that it was more of the usual.

image: a lil peak of character sketches. just a lil peek
thursday (29/9): more boarding work most of the day. at this point i've come close to hitting a wall so i started using post-it notes to outline the narrative much better and allows me to make changes/experiment. my work board-driven where i focus more on storyboarding than writing a script. this method is more fitting for animation which is a visual medium plus my work is more visually driven, hence i storyboard more than write.

image: some post-its as part of my story outline. won't comment further
friday (30/9): first seminar with Dr. Jenna Ashton centered around social practice art. good insight around this practices and the ethics around it alongside how success is measured making art based around social issues through patricipant research. it made me thought about how i want to convey themes in my work and how art can be a powerful tool for social impact and awareness that people (particulary conservatives and neoliberals) underestimate.
overall: i've gotten into the routine a bit. admittedly, i worry i'm too far ahead with some aspects but i suppose these first few weeks are to get all the chaotic thoughts out before you distill them into a cohesive product.
fun stuff: it was a work-heavy week so i didn't do any crazy activities but i've been watching Bee and Puppycat and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners on Netflix. I really like how the former show is shows long shots and everyday slice-of-life action alongside surreal and playful enivronments and characters. reminds me of Peanuts and Winnie the Pooh. The latter show being Imaishi's latest anime is the complete opposite. Imaishi as usual goes OTT with the visuals and action but Edgerunners sets itself apart from his previous work is the implementation of gore that will can definitely your jaw drop . There's some very sincere and emotional moments which I wasn't expecting for an anime based on the Cyberpunk IP.
for the two songs to send off this week, i've picked 2 new tracks. first is the highly anticipated comeback of Paramore with "This is Why". they evolve the post-punk of After-Laughter but as that last record was more in the vain of 80s neon, this is more 2000s indie (ala Bloc Party and Franz Ferdinand). definitely how i felt regarding the intense rain on Friday. second is a cut from Atlanta rapper Kenny Mason. his style fuses rap and rock quite seemlessly. this cut "NOSEDIVE" features Jean Dawson and is prime for moshpits and ragers. see you next week!